Where can I attend my online/Zoom classes on campus?
You can attend your online classes in the following locations:
The CORE on the Hayward Campus (see Library hours)
"Collaborative" spaces on first and third floors of the Library CORE building (see Library CORE building Map to locate "collaborative" spaces)
Study Rooms on all floors of the CORE building (reservations required, see Study Room Reservations FAQ)
The Hayward Campus Library in the CORE has laptops and headphones available for checkout. Please visit the Library Learning Commons Desk on the first floor of the CORE building for more information (map)
Spaces available on the Concord Center:
- Campus Union
- Computer Labs (except when used by classes)
- AS 120 (Iron Horse)
- LB 236 (Ridgeview Room)
- LB 237 (Tao House) (PHAP students only, access key needed)
- Relaxation Room